st. Louis Children Injury Attorney attorney

Child Abuse & Injury Attorney

Child injury attorney in St. Louis, Missouri provide aggressive and compassionate legal representation

Matters involving children are always the most difficult. Many times, the abuser is someone close to the child and thinking that someone you trust could do something to hurt your child or loved one is unimaginable.

Making sure your child is safe is always a mother or father’s top priority. If you think your child has been hurt, abused, or taken advantage of by someone, it is vital you seek the proper course of action.

Dealing with child abuse

First and foremost, you should talk to the police. Donna is one of the most personable and trusted attorneys in Saint Louis – especially when it comes to dealing with children.

Donna has made national news for her cases involving the mistreatment of children, and she will fight to make sure your child or loved one receives the most respectful care possible.

If you known or even think your child has been the victim of abuse, you should contact The Law Office of Donna Clark Frayne as soon as possible to schedule a free consultation.

Full-service child injury attorney

Children face many dangers each day. Motor vehicle injuries, fires and burns, and drowning are among the main causes of injury death among children less than 15 years of age. Children can also be injured by defective toys. If your child is injured as a result of someone’s improper behavior, you should seek the help of a lawyer to enforce the child’s rights and receive full and adequate compensation.

At the Law Office of Donna Clark Frayne, LLC we have more than 20 years of experience representing injured children. We know how to speak to children. We know how to make them feel comfortable as they talk to us about their injuries.

One of the challenges in handling these cases is the difficulty of collecting evidence. An accident may involve a young child who hasn’t yet learned to speak. If the injury is caused by someone’s improper behavior, St. Louis accident lawyer Donna Clark Frayne, LLC makes sure responsible parties pay for what they have done. We are dedicated to protecting your child’s rights.

The Law Office of Donna Clark Frayne, provides full legal services in child injury cases in St. Louis, Missouri and the surrounding areas. When we represent you, you can expect the following from your personal injury lawyer:

careful investigation of your child’s injury

Our St. Louis child injury attorney and her diligent paralegal conduct careful investigations to discover the cause of injuries and to identify what was done wrong. We collect the medical records and speak with witnesses and medical professionals until we are confident that we know what happened. We’ll discover whether your child’s injury was caused by human error, a defective toy, or some means.

compassionate representation for your child’s needs

At the Law Office of Donna Clark Frayne, the welfare and best interests of your child come first. You and your child are the focus of our advocacy efforts. When dealing with a person who has acted irresponsibly and caused injuries to your child, our dedicated St. Louis personal injury lawyer fights aggressively in settlement negotiations and at trial, if necessary.

Free Children Injury Attorney consultation

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